Sunday 27 February 2011

San Pedro House

San Pedro House is open daily and is the headquarters for the Friends of the San Pedro River They have an extensive collection of books on the local area especially bird books as the area is renowned for birding.

It was mid-morning when we arrived and as we got out of the truck wearing shorts and t-shirts, the volunteers, who all wore long pants and sweatshirts and had the stove burning merrily away, tried to guess whether we were Canadian or from one of the northern States. Obviously they were wrong, but we definitely wouldn’t be wearing shorts and t-shirts at home right now!

We followed the trail across the sacaton grassland to the river. Although you can’t see it from the photograph below, they have a huge problem with invasive tumbleweed.

We turned right, and followed the trail along the river it’s very pretty.

There is still water flowing through the San Pedro at this time of the year.

Lots of wildlife javelinas, deer, coyotes and more live in the riparian area. The javelina wallow in damp spots near the river, although we didn't see any we could see their tracks.

Cottonwoods line the banks and the trees are beautiful against the deep blue sky.

Green Kingfisher pond has an abundance of bird life, we saw a vermilion fly catcher unfortunately it was too far away to photograph. There is also an abandoned beaver dam in the pond.

There is evidence of the beavers all around the pond.

Volunteers have planted young trees around the pond and in an effort to stop the beavers some have wire fences around the bottom.

It was a great day out and the weather was gorgeous!

Have fun, we are!

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