The drive down to the hot springs is interesting, a little way down the dirt road there is a sign saying, no trailers, no RV’s no dual wheeled vehicles, beyond this point. There is a parking area so if your vehicle is to big or you are of a nervous disposition, you can walk down. I’d previously checked with the ranger who said our truck should be have no problems driving down.
From this point on the road divides into a one way system, and is narrow, very narrow, on one side is a jagged cliff on the other is a sheer drop down into a creek bed. We pulled in the mirrors and continued.
Oh I forgot to mention as well as being very narrow, it is full of S-curves as well. Mike watched his side and I watched mine, he trying to make sure we didn’t fall into the creek bed (it does happen!) me watching to make sure we didn’t scratch the truck on one of the rocks without getting my head knocked off. Have you ever tried looking out of the window to check the side of the road without actually sticking your head out? Trust me it's not easy! But we made it! Needless to say I didn’t take any photographs as I was more interested in keeping my head on my shoulders and us staying on the road!
The parking area is beside the remains of a house, with Tornillo Creek on one side, the store and Rio Grande in front. The house has some interesting fossils built into a window and door.
We walked down to the store which was once of huge importance and people from all over the area and from across the Rio Grande in Mexico came to buy goods and trade.
On the way back to the truck we walked down to Tornillo Creek, which actually has some water in it, bluebonnets and other wild flowers were growing on the creek bed.
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