Monday 12 July 2010

San Juan Mountains - more walking with bears!

We followed Forest Road 561 high into the San Juan Mountains in search of a short trail with a great view.

The road is well maintained but steep, our trailhead was at 9,000ft, the road continues onwards, but I’m not sure how much higher it climbs.

The Big Al trail is named for a forest service employee who was disabled while fighting the Clover Mist Fire near Yellowstone National Park in 1988. It is only a half a mile each way and is barrier free. We parked by the campground and headed off.

Quaking Aspens and wildflower meadows abound on each side of the trail, there are benches every 400 yards and at intervals there are information boards, the last one had been damaged but was about black bears maybe they’re trying to keep it quiet but we know they’re out there!

Wildflower meadow.
Not at all sure what they are, but they're very pretty.
At the end of the trail is a viewpoint, over looking West Mancos Valley and the San Juan Mountains.

This time of the year thunderstorms are not uncommon in the afternoons, they move fast and can reach you in next to no time. We could see storm clouds forming in the distance, but thankfully they passed us by.

There is beef pasture (maybe the bears would prefer a nice burger?) in the mountains and corrals line the forest road ready for the fall roundup.

Have fun, we are!


  1. Those bears are scared of people

  2. Thanks, that's nice to know, but I still hope we never actually come face-to-face with one on the trail
